
exception filemaker.exceptions.FileMakerError[source]

This is the base exception related to FileMaker operations. All other exceptions here inherit from it.

exception filemaker.exceptions.FileMakerValidationError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raised when a FileMaker field fails validation. The same as Django’s django.core.exceptions.ValidationError (from which it inherits).

When raised by a field, the field raising it will be available on the exception as the field attribute.

exception filemaker.exceptions.FileMakerObjectDoesNotExist[source]

Raised when no FileMakerModel instance matching a query is found.

Every FileMakerModel has a sub-class of this as DoesNotExist enabling you to catch exceptions raised by a specific model.

exception filemaker.exceptions.FileMakerConnectionError[source]

Raised when an HTTP or other error is encountered when attempting to connect to the FileMaker server.

exception filemaker.exceptions.FileMakerServerError(code=-1)[source]

Indicates an error returned by FileMaker. This is raised by the result parser and in turn by the FileMaker managers.

The exact FileMaker error code is available on the exception as the code attribute, and the corresponding text representation of the error is on the message attribute.